How Electrology Works
Electrology, the only scientifically proven method of permanent hair removal, utilizes a solid needle-type probe inserted into a hair follicle in conjunction with AC and/ or DC being applied to the papilla (blood supply for the growing hair) to render it incapable of growing a new hair.  Knowledgeable physicians have testified to its permanency in hundreds of scientific articles published in medical literature.  Temporary methods such as shaving,tweezing, depilatories, waxing and stringing/threading require frequent, time-consuming maintenance.  In addition, skin irritation, ingrown hairs, discoloration, and scarring may result.  Oftentimes, these factors contribute to an increase in hair growth activity.

Methods of Electrolysis:
There are three methods (or modalities) of Electrolysis:
        1. Galvanic- the hair root is destroyed by chemical action using direct current
        2. Themoysis- the hair root is destroyed by heat using high frequency
        3. Blend Electyrolysis- the hair root is destroyed by both heat and chemical action
All three modalities are safe and effective.  I will choose the method that is best for your skin and hair type at our first consultation.

Other methods of hair removal.
Electrology is the only FDA and AMA approved permanent method of hair removal.  Lazer, waxing, tweezing and threading are only temporary methods of hair removal and often times worsen the situation by making the hair grow back coarser, deeper and darker.

Why should Electrolysis be chosen for unwanted hair?

Temporary hair removal is tedious, costly and never ending.  Permanent hair removal frees you from this daily routine. Electrolysis can improve your physical appearance and self-image, and lessen anxiety caused by unwanted hair.

Electrolysis has been used since 1875 and has been proven to be safe and effective.  I use sterile, disposable probes for each appointment.  The tweezers are heat sterilized in a protective sheath, opened at your appointment.  The table and eplilator are wiped down with an EPA approved Bactericide, Virucide, and Fungicide. 

Is Electrolysis uncomfortable?
Discomfort during electrolysis varies depending on the patients tolerance, epilator settings, the method/modality being used, and various other factors.  A definite sensation is usually felt during the treatment.  There is no such thing as painless electrolysis.  It is impossible to painlessly destroy hair growth tissue due to the nerve endings that surround each hair follicle.  Rest assured that the sensation indicates that the hair follicle is being destroyed.ur paragraph here.

Areas of the body that can be treated.
Any area can be treated, save the inner nose and ear canal.  Women typically treat the upper and lower lip, chin, throat, underarms, abdomen, bikini lines, chest, legs, toes and fingers.  Men usually treat the beard line, back, neck, chest, ears and nose.  Electrology is also effective in treating ingrown hairs, a frequent cause of irritation in the beard area and back of the neck.

Electrolysis can be done on Tattoos without damaging the ink under the skin.

Are all hairs eliminated in one treatment?

Deep, coarse hairs cannot always be eliminated with one treatment. Thus, breaking down the hair germ cells (the start of each new hair) will most likely require additional treatments.  It is a process of diminishment.  During the course of the treatment, due to the cyclical nature of hair growth, hairs emerging from a dormant phase will also be treated and may be visible at the same time as finer re-growth hairs.

What is the normal growth cycle of hair?

Hair grows in 12 to 16 week cycles.  At the end of this phase, hair will naturally shed and replace itself after a dormant period.  This dormant period can last indefinitely, but normally, a replacement hair appears within 3 to 12 months.  The coarse appearance of the replacement hairs that emerge from the dormant hair follicles should not be mistaken as re-growth from previously treated follicles.

What are the side effects of treatment?

Electrolysis has been performed for over 120 years and has proven to be extremely safe.  Because electrolysis destroys the dermal papilla of the hair (root), it is normal to see slight redness, welting and/or mild swelling associated with the electrolysis treatment.  In most individuals, this will disappear within a half an hour to several hours.  In some circumstances, electrolysis causes tiny scabs to form over the treated follicle.  These are a perfectly normal part of the healing process and will not leave any permanent damage, providing you do not pick at them, scratch them, or cause them to become infected.  An occasional bruise, localized swelling, tenderness, and in some darker skinned individuals, some hyper-pigmentation(excess pigmentation) may occur.  I will discuss proper care during the healing phase to alleviate these issues.  Many clients report that their skin actually looks much better after they have undergone electryolysis. 


Freedom Electrology